Early Imperial Roman Auxiliary Archers

Hooray! At last I have completed my first proper unit for my WAB EIR army ... a unit of 12 Auxiliary Archers. I'm really pleased with the results. Here are a few pics.

EIR Auxiliary Archers
(click for larger picture)

Here's a closer shot.

EIR Auxiliary Archers
(click for larger picture)

Being Light Infantry they can either be formed up in ranks, handy for the 'massed archery' rule, or become skirmishers.

EIR Auxiliary Archers
(click for larger picture)

The figures are from Black Tree Design. They have been painted with Foundry and some GW paints as follows.

Black GW undercoat spray.
Armour - GW Bolt Gun Metal, wash with GW Black Ink, then GW Chainmail and GW Mithril Silver.
Skin - Foundry Flesh Shade/Mid/Light.
Tunic - Foundry Boneyard Mid/Light, mix of Boneyard Light and GW Skull White.
Red Pterges - GW Mechrite Red, Foundry Bright Red Shade/Mid.
Blue Pterges - Foundry Deep Blue Mid/Light.
Green Pterges - Foundry Phlegm Green Mid/Light
Sandals - GW Vermin Fur, GW Brown Ink, GW Vermin Fur if necessary.
Quiver - Foundry Spearshaft Shade/Mid/Light
Bow - Foundry Buff Leather Shade/Mid

The bases are sand washed with thinned GW Bestial Brown, then highlighted with GW Vomit Brown and GW Bleached Bone. Add some static grass and scenic scatter material.

Hope you like them because there's more Romans on the way!
