Wargame-o-meter #5

Well... WAB2.0 is in the post (hopefully!) so it's time for another look at my wargaming agenda.

Sort of a joint 1 and 2 really as I have some old friends visiting in less than 2 weeks and I'm planning a few reasonably large games of WAB, mainly Romans vs Barbarians. I promise to post pics and battle reports after they've visited!?

1) Celts
Busily getting a few more fanatics and three Gripping Beast chariots completed. Seems to be taking ages! This army is going to look huge and I'm really pleased with it so far. For me the dip was really the only way I'd ever have painted an army of Celts.

2) Early Imperial Romans
Now have around 1,750pts ready, that is, according to the EIR list in WAB1.5 so things may change. Ordered some extra plastic troops from Warlord and dipped them. These will do fine until I catch up with properly painted metal.

3) Age of Chivalry & HYW English
Whoosh - from out of almost nowhere good King Hal and his merry men burst on the top 5. Why you may ask ... ? It's all Bernard Cornwell's fault... again. I've been listening to Harlequin whilst painting and it's got me thinking about my HYW English army. If I could just find the energy to finish off a few more archers and men-at-arms then my old Bretonnian army can ride again. Hmmm ... perhaps I can persuade Jim to sort out some HRE opponents :-)

4) Ancient Scenery
I haven't made any noteworthy scenery for ages which is a pity because it's good fun and (if you'll pardon my immodesty) usually looks quite good. So I've started hoarding Pringle tubes and gravy tubs with the vague idea of building a Celtic farmstead or village.

5) Age of Arthur
Still hanging in there ... I even managed to undercoat some figures. Also, my order from North Star arrived with a pack of Armoured Romano-Brit spearmen and they're superb!

As I said above, a proper post with pics of games and such like will follow in a few weeks.
