Great War Event

On the 6th March a number of Great War enthusiasts gathered in a village hall near Nottigham for day of gaming fun that was Scarab's 3rd gaming day, and what fun it proved to be.

For both games I was fighting against Keith's beautifully painted Germans, in the second game I was allied with Chris and his superb BEF.

For the first game I was defending a trench-line against a German attack. The game was good fun and very close indeed. The BEF scored a victory by the closest of margins. Had the game continued beyond the allotted time then the Germans would certainly have overwhelmed the defenders!

The second game saw myself and Chris allied to attack a German trench line, but once again the German artillery support proved to be superb, along with their HMG's, both tearing great holes in the BEF lines.

Two great games and a splendid lunch in between!

Here's a few pics

The first games
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

from the other end
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

Some of Ray's superb AH
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

Early war action
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

Keith's splendid "Big Bertha"
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

The second games
TGW Event
(click for a larger image)

More info here


  1. That sounds like a fun day. Impressive set up and great pictures.


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