Painted Vikings and Arthurians

As promised, here's a few pictures of the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings painted by my wife, now with proper LBMS shields. She has urged me to point out that it's been around 8 years since she seriously picked up a paintbrush. But regardless of that, I'm really pleased with them and happily take an army of them to any event!
GB Plastic Vikings
(click for a larger image)

A closer shot.
GB Plastic Vikings
(click for a larger image)

And another.
GB Plastic Vikings
(click for a larger image)

I'm sure you'll agree that they look superb! Plus they're a great start to our collection of figures for GB's forthcoming 'Saga' Dark Ages skirmish set.

I've also managed to squeeze in a bit of painting too. Though with my rather troublesome hands it's proved difficult going. Anyway, here's a picture of 4 Artizan Arthurians (sans shields!).
(click for a larger image)

They've turned out ok really. Here's the cloaks.

(click for a larger image)

The figures come as a pack of 8, and I think they'll blend in well with my GB, Musketeer and West Wind figures. To be honest I wouldn't get any more of these Artizan figures as they're all in a very similar pose, i.e. standing at the ready. But they are good rear rank troops. The pack comes with a mix of round and rounded oblong shields, but I'll be giving them all round shields so that they can be used either as Romano-British or British & Welsh Kingdoms.

I'm hoping that I'll soon be able to get with a unit of GB Milites and may be a few more scenic bits for the Dark Ages village.


  1. The figures look great, I wish my wife would paint some of my figures, your a very lucky chap!!

  2. Time for me to hide my brushes the next 8 years. Seems to be THE trick to paint really great !!!

  3. Very luck man indeed to have a wife paint for you :)

    Excellent figures btw!

  4. Well they look excellent! My wife will occaisionally paint some terrain for me, but we are talking 1 building per 3 yrs or so. She does a great job, but the grovelling overheads are enormous!

  5. Tell her that is some superb brush work, especially the weathering on the shields!

  6. Very nice indeed . I couldn't get my wife to paint a figure at all.

  7. They look great. I especially like faded, worn out, battle damaged shields. Very nice.

  8. Thanks chaps! My wife is delighted with your kind words.



  9. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


    Joel Houston

  10. Beautiful work all around. Do you use Army Painter for these? If so, is it 'Strong Tone' or 'Dark Tone'?



  11. Good stuff mate!!! Your wife is both very talented and a good sport :-)

  12. Thanks again chaps!

    No dip here. Only my Celts were dipped.




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