Figure Review - 1st Corps

After the recent game of W&C I decided I really needed a proper Commander or General vignette. They had to be mounted as it significantly improves their mobility. So after checking several different companies I settled on 1st Corps as they had a pack with both the General and accompanying standard mounted. Here they are.

It's the LRR05 'Julius Caesar' pack but with the great man swapped for 'Pompey' from LRR06. Cost was £8 for the pack, plus £2 for P&P. When I contacted 1st Corps about the possibility of swapping the figures I received a prompt and helpful reply from Simon Curtis. I placed the order on Sunday and got the figures on Wednesday! They were well packaged too.

The figures themselves are detailed and well cast. There are very few mould lines, though the horses do have a little bit of flash. In terms of size and style they are very compatible with Warlord Games, Gripping Beast and Foundry. This does mean I'll have to be a little creative with basing if I decide to use the officer with the Attic style helmet alongside my slightly larger Black Tree legionaries. But the mounted figures will have their own scenic base so the size difference is largely irrelevant.

I'll certainly be looking at 1st Corps again when it comes to expanding my Celt army and replacing some of the more awkwardly posed Warlord Games plastic figures. Anyway, hope you found this mini-review helpful.


  1. Wholeheartedly recommend 1st corps figures. I've got plenty of their hoplites and early germans.

  2. First Corps are excellent aren't they? Always found them to be well produced and very helpful with their service.


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