More Dark Ages Scenery

As promised in the last post, here's some more of my recently completed scenery for Dark Age games, principally Saga. All scratch-built from MDF, cocktail sticks, garden wire, balsa, glue and sand.

Here's an animal pen. Like much of my scenery it was painted by my lovely wife.

Another view.

This is how it looked before painting.

The basic method is to cut a piece of MDF to slightly larger than the desired shape, then drill 2.5mm holes around the edges at intervals of about 5-6mm. Glue cocktail sticks in the holes; I also used a few pieces of slightly thicker kebab stick for some of the corner posts. When totally dry, weave garden wire back and forth until it's about the right height - have a few models to hand to check this. Next, give the wire several generous coats of PVA glue. This gives it more strength plus it fills in some of the gaps.

Here's another animal pen with a bit of garden. The tree stump is simply part of an old shrub I cleared from the garden. (The Great War blasted trees I posted a while back were made from the same shrub)

Another view.

They were jolly good fun to make and will look splendid on the table. Plus they're a fraction of the cost of similar resin models, i.e. Grand Manner.


  1. Nice job on those. akes me want to try to make some even though I don't play that era.

  2. Excellent Matt. These look fantastic.

  3. Looks great. You're making a lot more progress than I am at the moment.

  4. Cracking job by both of you! I love the realistic irregularity of them.

    What did you use as an undercoat to make sure the paint adhered to the plastic coated garden wire?

  5. Thanks again for the kind words. It's great to know that people enjoy looking at the blog :o)

    @PotMC - the wire had several coats of PVA, then it was sprayed with black undercoat (GW spray I think). The spray gives a great base to start painting.



  6. These look cracking will have to steal the idea!

  7. Nice - I enjoyed reading this tutorial.

    It has given me food-for-thought.



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