Roman Outpost Fort - Part 2

Here's an update on progress with the fort.

The embanked slopes have been smoothed out with polyfilla and sand/grit glued on with PVA.

I've made a gate using more coffee stirring sticks and match-sticks. Plus I've cut away some of the earth around the gate and re-inforced the bank with logs made from kebab sticks (not likely to use for BBQ's given the "Summer" weather so far!)

Here's the gate from within the fort. I mounted the gate sections on small pieces to plastic to improve stability and cut it at angle so they will easily stand in the open position. I've made properly hinged gates before but they are generally too fragile.

Next comes the painting! Or maybe I should build a barracks block ... and a watch tower? Or perhaps I should paint a few more chaps to man the ramparts?


  1. Looks great- barracks would be good. If you were to build 4 more straight wall sections, you coulf double the interior area, and fit in loads of stuff...

  2. Great looking project, looking forward to seeing the finished fort.

    All the best


  3. Very nice. I especially like the gate section.

  4. It looks good without the paint on! Nice one!!

  5. Looking most excellent Matt!!

  6. Thanks chaps! Your encouragement is most appreciated :o)

    @BigRedBat - Oh yes indeed!? I've already earmarked some materials for just that purpose. But I must limit myself to getting enough done for the next War & Conquest gaming day. Then get back to painting some more troops.



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