Newly Painted Vikings

Yes I have been at it again with the brushes! After seeing Dave and Dan's lovely Viking and Irish figures at the recent Devizes show I was inpsired to paint these fellows.

I have really enjoyed painting them; it's quite some time since I did any 'proper' painting. By that I mean not using the dip. For these I start from a black undercoat and apply a Foundry-esque style three colour process.

Here they are with their shields (LBMS of course!).

A close up.

Another close up.

I hope that these will be start of a Norse/Scots force. All Crusader figures apart from the chap with yellow and black 'raven' style shield - he's a GB Early Saxon!.

Finally ... things on the blog will go quiet for a bit as we'll soon be off for our Summer holidays!

