Salute 2015

It's been a few years since we last went along to Salute. I've plenty of good things to say but first, let's start with the no-so-good points...
  • Demo games where the demo-ers are too "busy" playing to interact with polite, interested show attendees. If you can't be bothered to talk to the show-going public then don't bother to put on a game at show. (We have put on a number of demo games over the years and engaging with show-goers was always a priority)
  • Thoughtless, smelly, fat blokes who seem to think that they can use their all too considerable mass to barge people out of the way. Just stop it eh? Oh, and take a bath occasionally.
  • Demo games that are simply club night games put on at a show. If we want to see ordinary scenery/figures then we'll just play a quick club game. It's lazy and frankly an insult to the paying public; and to those gamers making the tremendous effort to put on superb games.
Rant over. Thank you.

Now the good stuff! :-)

The pictures can do most of the talking.... First it's Rob (Scarab) Broom and a Samurai era War & Conquest game.

Dazzling the public with his slight of hand? ;o)

I liked the bamboo screens.

The Blitzkreig Miniatures demo was great! Snow themed tables and minis are tricky to do well but they pulled it off with aplomb. 

I think that this game was a Napoleonic era battle - wejust liked the nicely done sea 'cloth' and coastal terrain.

The Salute theme this year was 'Agincourt', we liked this 28mm Agincourt game. The figures were very nicely painted. There were several smaller scale Agincourts but as a definite 28mm player they weren't really my thing.

Simon's (aka BigRedBat) Cremona game was a real highlight of the show. Lovely figures and a big, beautifully modelled table. He was show-casing his recently enhanced To The Strongest ruleset. @Simon - wanted to have a chat but you were very busy taking people through the rules. Hope it all went well!

This was a 15mm (?) WW2 game that was really enjoyable to look at. The figures and terrain are excellent.

Another WW2 offering, but 28mm this time. Great Escape Games with their Iron Cross rules.

 This table was a real puzzle?

James' Oshiro Model Terrain is always a joy to look at.

A very nicely done VBCW game.

Now, ACW definitely isn't my thing but this table looked really good. Alas, only this one photo wasn't blurred.

Steve Jones's Guildford Court Horse game was another excellent looking game. Both this and Simon's Cremona game had a real buzz about them.

A very crowded smaller scale Napoleonic game.

Plenty of 4Ground scenery make this fantasy-esque game table look rather impressive.

More lovely buildings from 4Ground - although I do think the models would be better if they were slightly less 'new out of the box'?

However, the best thing about the show for us was seeing a selection of chums Phil, Rob, Steve, Dave and Dan T, Dave G, Tony, Colin, etc. A real pleasure to catch up and have a natter.

Another good point was picking up lots of good stuff from a variety of traders (more in a later post) plus having a bit of a chat with them. Good to put faces to websites.

In summary, it was an enjoyable day and a good show with a number of splendid looking tables, but a handful more "Wow!" games would have made it a great show. I want to come away from Salute brimming with ideas and enthusiasm either for re-invigorating existing projects or starting new ones. Don't misunderstand though! We enjoyed the show and I hope that we are able to attend plenty more in the future.
