Plymouth Wargames Show Report

Just a quick post to tell you a little bit about the recent Plymouth Wargames Show... It’s hosted at the YMCA in Plymouth in two large halls – one is well lit but the other was a bit too dark but it does mean the show has plenty of space for traders and games. Speaking of traders, there was a good mix of big and small and I managed to pick up most of the bits I wanted. The organisation seemed very good from my point of view, i.e. a tournament player plus helping out a trader. The tables were well laid out and clearly labelled. It also had a good, friendly ‘buzz’ about the place. Okay, so after a few hours you still get that distinctive aromatic ‘fug’ in the air but it is a wargames show after all!! ;o)

The brighter hall hosted the B&B, a few traders and the tournaments; Bolt Action, Kings of War, Warband, Flames of War and 40K. All seemed well attended and there were lots of cheers, groans and laughter.

The darker hall had most of the traders along with a few demo and participation games. A couple of the games caught my eye – apologies for the slightly rough pics. Here’s a superb WW2 game being played by four very friendly ex-service chums.

I had a good natter with Brian, but alas I cannot recall the names of the other three guys. The buildings are mainly Charlie Foxtrot Models with a few scratch builds. They use their own rules based on the own experiences in the forces – can’t get more authentic than that!

Steve and John put on a 15mm Malburian game. Normally I don’t pay much attention to “three cornered hat” stuff but this table looked lovely. No idea what battle etc.

Matt Houghton was there demo-ing his Oscar Sierra Charlie rules with a modern Afghanistan themed table. The vehicles in his range are very detailed and crisply cast. Not quite my ‘thing’ but very good all the same.

My only grumble was the catering as it was a bit basic, i.e. burger and chips, hot-dog and chips, cheesy chips, etc. Some sandwiches and a bit of fruit would have been good.

It was nice to have a chat to some of the traders too. Having been to a number of shows recently, Penarth and Reveille for example, you start to get know people a bit and it really is its own little community. Great fun!

What did I treat myself too? Here’s my modest haul, first some Bolt Action dice – can’t play without ‘em!

Some extra basing materials as it’s something I’d like to improve for my figures and scenery.

A couple of figures from Heroes of the Dark Ages for my Vikings and Saxons.

An ‘obelisk’ that I’ll make in to a WW1 memorial for my WW2 table.

Colonel Bill has a range of characterful ‘extras’, here’s two blokes having pee up a wall, plus their dog doing the same.

All in all though, well worth attending I reckon. My Bolt Action tournament game AAR’s to follow soon...
