More Painted British Paras

I needed a few extra Paras to bulk out some of my sections. We often play games with limited armour so there's plenty of points to go round for more men, even relatively expensive elite troops like British Paras. Here they are.
Last one over the hedge is a rotten egg!
No! Back this way chaps!
Keeping an all round look out for Jerry
We loves painting camo ... don't we precious? :-/
My painting recipe can be found here if you're interested.

A lovely figure I've had for ages is the Warlord Medic, here he is.

Rushing forward with morphine and bandages at the ready! I probably ought to paint some sort of armband on him - I had assumed that it would be sculpted on the figure but it's not. Whatever?

He even has a little mug on his backpack - after all who doesn't feel better after a nice cup of tea?

Thanks for looking!
