Yet More DAK

Here is squad number three.  This project is really rolling along now!  The painting is great fun and I'm fairly pleased with the results so far.

I've also added an AT gun team.  I've used the same scenic base idea as for my previous squad where the MG34 crew were behind a crumbling wall.  It's allowed me to use some of the nice kneeling pose figures with weapons other than a rifle.

Painting and basing recipe is much the same as with the other two squads and can be found here if you're interested.  With these figures I tried out a slightly bolder set of highlights - simply the next lighter colour in the Foundry triad or the VMC colour with a little Boneyard Light added.  Next should be the CO and maybe some supports.  When the CO is complete I'll have a basic platoon ready to roll.  I'm planning to add a couple of veteran infantry squads too before moving on to the armour and transports.
