
My Sharp Practice models have been on the shelf for a little while as I’ve been heavily into WW2, primarily our North African games.  But the other day I just fancied painting something that wasn’t green/grey or sand coloured.  My Anglo-Portuguese army is coming along well so I thought I’d try painting a few of my French figures from Front Rank.

Getting these ready would be handy as I have friends who want to play regular Peninsular games, others who like the Russian theatre and yet others who have suggested a campaign with British naval forces (indeed one splendid fellow has written a whole campaign booklet!).  So getting these on the table would give me plenty of options for glorious victory ... or a “deferred victory situation” as sometimes happens 🤣

I wanted this force to have a slightly weather beaten, on campaign sort of look so I thought I’d try my base coat, wash and highlight technique.  Most of the figures are wearing greatcoats as again I like the overall look.  I’ve started with four figures simply to see if I like the results.

I’ll do a more detailed recipe with the next batch (whenever that will be!) but broadly, the paints were:
Greatcoat - Foundry Midnight Blue, Bay Brown, Rich Butternut, Slate Grey.
Trousers - same as the greatcoat just mix the combinations.
Pack - Foundry Spearshaft or Rawhide
Musket - Foundry Musket Stock Brown
Straps - Foundry Austrian Grey followed by white
Wash with Agrax and highlight with the base colours followed by another highlight of the next lighter colour in the triad.

Now to think up some suitably daft names for my Officers and NCOs
