Scenery for Gaul

These buildings are Hovels and Gripping Beast and have been painted in the same style as the thatched hut I did some time ago.

NB: the roof of the larger building was base coated in VMC Leather Brown, and the smaller was given an extra highlight of Foundry Boneyard light, so as to give a bit of variety.

Settlements need crops, animal enclosures, livestock, etc too.  The piece on the right was originally made for Saga but has been re-purposed.  The fences at the rear are Renedra.  The enclosure in front was made by weaving garden wire around cocktail sticks then given a couple of coats of PVA.

This is my test piece for a marsh.  I used much darker earth colours than the other pieces as I wanted to give the ground a more boggy appearance.  The water areas were simply washed with a drab green.

These hills are from Kallistra and I’ve just jazzed them up a bit with extra grass and some clump foliage.

That should be enough to get playing Infamy Infamy!  I plan to add a couple of thatched round houses for battles set in Britannia.
