Saga Age of Magic

“In a land of myth, and a time of magic…”

Yes, good chum Orange Dave has lured me in to trying out Age of Magic.

I’ve played a lot of Saga (first edition) over the years mainly with Saxons, Vikings and Normans, so I’m familiar with the basic game mechanics although second edition is obviously going to be a bit different.

My plan for this gaming year is to get a few projects finished, so this “new” project might seem at odds with that aim. However, I’ve had most of these figures for ages, only the big fellow was a recent purchase. These are some of my favourite Foundry figures and I’m really looking forward to painting them.

Here’s my force primed and ready for painting.

A unit of 8 elite warriors (Hearthguard, 2 points)

Two units of 12 warriors (3 points)

A unit of 12 archers & slingers (Levy, 1 point)

The Wicker Man... or 'Alan' is I like to call him. (Monster, Titan, 1 point) He’s from Crooked Dice games (here) and is beautifully cast in good quality resin.

A War Mammoth! (Monster, Behemoth, 1 point) You can usually only field one monster but it's nice to have options. Kindly gifted to me by good chum Colin.

My force will need a “Sacred Ground” terrain piece so I’ve cobbled together some items from the bits box. The spot marked X will be occupied by a rather war-like female Celt warrior from Colonel Bill’s Belt Fed range. I’ll also add some weapons and other grisly trophies such as severed heads on poles, etc.

I've also picked up these resin standing stones from Nigel at The Square (FB link). He attends quite a few shows on the circuit and his stall is well worth perusing, great quality at amazing prices, plus a range of scales catered for.

I have a small unit of Celt Noble cavalry and a chariot too, so if the game proves to be as good as I hope then I have some options for varying or expanding the force.

My Romans are basically done, although a few cavalry need finishing off so might swap them for a Roman themed monster? Some sort of mythical beast (whilst possibly more Greek than Roman) would be suitable.

I need to source a more “wizard-y” looking figure than the bearded chap on a horse? A Germanic Shaman-lady might do the trick.

The theme here is the Conquest of Gaul & Britannia but with Monsters, Myth and Magic! Oh, and extra points to anyone who recognised the source of the opening line of this post 😎
