This marvellous kit has been in the painting queue for a little while. To be honest I was procrastinating slightly as it’s a big kit (and not exactly inexpensive!) and seemed a little daunting. 

I started off by following Sorastro’s YouTube video but it went a bit awry so I had to sort of rescue it with a range of greys: GW Standard Mechanicus as a base followed by Foundry Slate Grey B then C, then GW Celestra Grey.

To help with this selection I painted up a test card, initially sprayed with GW Mechanicus Grey then painted in the “same” colour from a pot (quite a difference as you can see, spray showing on leftmost side).

Colours painted over the pot version of Mechanicus Grey are L-R, top to bottom: Foundry Stone triad, VMC Neutral Grey, AP Warpaints Uniform Grey, Foundry Slate triad, GW Celestra Grey.

The vision ports are painted in using VMC German Grey and the weapons were washed with diluted black. I do find large flat areas or panels a little tricky, although I have tried to stick to Sorastro’s advice about following the light for highlighting such areas. I may do a little more weathering and washing, especially on the legs, to give it a slightly sand blasted look but I’m happy enough with it for now.

This gives me almost 1100 points from which to choose ‘standard’ 800 point forces. But what to add next? I have a Dewback rider that’s ready for priming, but I’d also like to add the Imperial Specialists too. I’m not a fan of the Moff Gideon figure but the the Dark Troopers look like a must have … hmmm?
